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Self-Reclaimed’s Wellness Services are designed to help employees prioritize their personal healing journeys, promoting a happier and healthier workforce and enhancing company culture. Our workshops include self-care mindfulness activities that focus on accessible and inclusive physical practices as a way to channel cathartic means of emotional release in a safe environment. Our trauma-informed facilitators meet each team and individual where they’re at, creating space for all body types, ability and experience levels. Offerings include, but are not limited to, restorative yoga, sound meditation, tai chi, empowerment healing circles, and movement expression groups.

Uniquely Catered

Our goal is to address the unique needs of your team. While Self-Reclaimed has crafted many Wellness Workshops that we can bring to your company, our team is also open to hearing about your company and team needs, and then catering the wellness experience to meet your team where they’re at.


We are committed that every member is able to deepen their awareness of each dimension of their holistic wellness, practice self-regulation skills, and engage in community accountability.




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